The front door needs a new coat of paint 前门需要刷一层新漆了。
Nothing gives a room a faster facelift than a coat of paint. 重新粉刷一下是使房子焕然一新的最快方法。
Don't worry if this first coat of paint looks messy. 如果这第一层油漆看上去很脏的话,不用担心。
The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape. 房子只需偶尔粉刷一次就可以保持整洁。
He put another coat of paint on the wall. 他往墙上又涂了一层油漆。
The wall requires a new coat of paint. 这墙必须再涂一层新油漆。
So my father took my old bike, slapped a new coat of paint on it, and equipped it with a banana seat, monkey handlebars and a sissy bar. 于是,我父亲把我的旧单车拿过去,仿照Sting-Ray的样子,涂了一层新漆,装了一个细长而后部翘起的车座、一个直把,座位后面还装了一根保护杠。
We painted the apartment a fresh coat of paint. 我们替公寓涂了一层新油漆。
A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 新刷的一层油漆可使房间焕然一新。
A fresh coat of paint transformed the room. 房间粉刷一遍大为改观。
The room was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint. 这间屋子很需要重新粉刷一次。
Bread and scrape the first coat of paint applied to a surface. 黄油涂得很薄的面包涂在表面上的第一层漆。
The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint. 木建部份最近新刷了一层漆。
This set of furniture has a very shiny coat of paint. 这套家具油漆得挺光亮。
It'll be all the better for a coat of paint. 涂上一层漆就更好。
The boat's hull and topside were absent of rust and grime, while a fresh coat of paint covered the most weathered areas. 渔船的船身与干舷部位也没有铁锈与污垢的痕迹,鲜艳的油漆涂在船上的风化部位。
Give the walls a quick coat of paint and they'll look all right. 给墙快速地上一层漆后看上去就会不错了。
This woodwork has had its final coat of paint. 这件木器已涂完最后一道漆。
The first coat of paint applied to a surface. 涂在表面上的第一层漆。
A preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface. black lead first coating anticorrosive 涂底料,底漆涂在某一表面上的底漆或底料黑铅第一度船底防锈漆
Their house badly needs a coat of paint. 他们的房子急需刷一层漆。
Not having a coat of paint or badly in need of a fresh coat. 没有油漆涂层的或极其需要重新粉刷的。
Rub the door with sandpaper to provide anchorage for the next coat of paint. 用砂纸摩擦门以供下一层油漆固定之处。
We'll have to give this door another coat of paint& it's still looking rather streaky. 我们必须给这门再上道漆&它看上去仍带斑纹。
With great care, the painter pared off the top coat of paint, and discovered, as he had hoped, a valuable old painting underneath. 这个画家十分小心地剥去了油画的表层,正如他希望的,他发现下面是一幅贵重的古画。
The door needed a coat of paint badly. 这门非常需要涂一层漆。
A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much. 新的一层喷漆将使这台旧自行车焕然一新。
Q.We want to give new life to our old wood kitchen cabinets with a fresh coat of paint. 我们想给我家的旧餐具柜重新上漆,让其重获新生。
It wants a coat of paint but otherwise it's in good condition. 除了需要涂一层漆,其它状况都还好。
The outside walls of our building need a new coat of paint. 我们房子的外墙得刷新漆了。